People cope with stress in a variety of ways. Sometimes a sudden change in our lives takes place and we find ourselves going through the day-to-day motions in a world that no longer feels like the same place. Other changes are subtler. We wake up one morning and realize that the life we’ve been living is the same, but no longer holds meaning for us. And everyone experiences age specific life transitions that can be more or less difficult. For example, there are expected periods of questioning during our 20’s when we’ve recently finished school, in the 40’s and 50’s when a lot of old life paths including marriages and careers are no longer satisfying, and following retirement when we need to find new meaning to our lives outside of our jobs.
Compatible Counseling Solutions now offers counseling to individuals who are having trouble moving forward in their lives. Individuals interested in ongoing work with Compatible Counseling Solutions will undergo the same thorough assessment as others that are looking for a referral to a Compatible Counseling Solutions Network Therapists. Those that are offered ongoing services include individuals whose concerns address any of the following issues:
- Adjustments and life transitions
- Difficulty finding their own voice due to parental programming
- Perfectionism that is creating barriers to healthy and happy living-Identity development and acceptance
- Living Authentically and bravely.
- Current troubles that arise from unresolved early childhood trauma.
- Current troubles that arise from other past or current traumas.
Individuals receiving counseling may develop a personal vision of their ideal life, and receive help in moving toward that vision. At the client’s discretion, Dr. Brene´ Brown’s curriculums, The Daring Way™ and/or Rising Strong™ may be used in support of helping them move toward their vision, either as part of the individual work, or through participation in a group.
Those experiencing troubles arising from unresolved trauma will be offered help in reprocessing traumatic memories using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Learn More.
For more information or to make an appointment click here.
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