DW_HeavyQuoteImages9The other day I posted my flyer, (which I have again attached at the end of this post), for my upcoming Daring Way™ group for young, college-aged women. I’m excited to be able to provide the Daring Way curriculum to this population who are going out into the world for the first time, without parents at their heels, and jumping into life without boundaries. If ever there was a group of people that could benefit from a Courage-Practice it’s young adults that have been launched from high school into whatever comes next. With that in mind I thought it might be helpful to talk a little more about why this type of group is so powerful.

  1. It provides a common experience that teaches the members to recognize and name shame, vulnerability, authenticity, belonging and worthiness at the time when they are feeling most exposed.
  2. It gives them a supportive network that is experiencing the same things as them, so that they know they’re never alone.
  3. It provides tools to help them recognize shame and walk through it to the other side where they will find connection and belonging.
  4. It focuses on values and helps group members to name what values are most important to them, so that they can use their values to light the way to authenticity and recognize when they are stepping away from their values.

These are just a few of the things that participants in the Daring Way™ for Young Adults group will learn and experience together. Oftentimes, participants in Daring Way™ groups form lasting bonds and develop ongoing connections after the group has ended which can be an invaluable resource to them in the months and years to come.

To save your place in the upcoming Daring Way™ for young adults group, contact me, or my colleague, Lynn Zakeri, per the attached flyer.

DW Young Adults

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